• Darra | Indooroopilly | Yeronga

Our Story

Our Story

When our parents first migrated to Australia in the early 70’s leaving behind family, friendships and community connections, they did so to offer us better opportunities and brighter prospects. Our story echoes many migrant stories across Australia, for we Australians truly do come ‘from all the lands on earth.’ Our parents impressed upon us the value of education as a portal for progress and self-actualisation. They encouraged us to take advantage of opportunities in our new country ‘to build a better future for ourselves and our communities.’ We took those opportunities, and now we seek to give back to our community by giving our children the bright start they deserve, encouraging them to create a future worthy to be inherited by future generations.

Our Philosophy

The Little Wonders Montessori philosophy is based on the wholistic development of the child. We take a broad vision of education encompassing physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, social and spiritual dimensions.

We believe that learning is best done when children are actively involved and engaged in their own knowledge construction through positive experiences within optimal learning environments. Thus, our approach utilise responsive classrooms and experienced educators geared to inspire children towards a life-long love of learning.

By valuing each child as an individual, we empower our students to become confident, independent learners with dispositions of optimism, openness, curiosity and resilience.

Our Curriculum

Practical Life

Practical life activities are applicable for all ages, even for small children. These activities include tasks that are developed to care for themselves, their environment and others. Activities include ‘Grace and Courtesy’ lessons that engage children in respectful relationships. Through such activities, children learn to manage their behaviour, regulate their emotions, refine motor skills, improve self-confidence, increase independence, and take pride in their work.


Sensorial experiences begin at birth as a child processes learning through their senses. At Little Wonders Montessori, we use different sensorial materials to help the child engage their senses. By focusing on one specific quality such as colour, weight, shape, size, texture, taste, sound or smell allows the child to build concentration as well as help to broaden and refine their senses increasing their perception and logical awareness. We also encourage children to participate in a range of activities designed to help children’s sense of balance and self.


Language materials are designed to enhance vocabulary and explore both written and spoken language. Through language-based activities, such as the sandpaper letters and the moveable alphabet, children learn phonetic sounds and how to compose words phonetically. They progress using concrete materials to compose their own written work, read the work of others, and learn to communicate their unique thoughts and feelings.


Children have an innate attraction to the science of numbers. Our curriculum is based on giving children exposure to concrete materials for the recognition of numbers and quantity. Over time, children are encouraged to explore mathematical concepts that will give them greater insights into the way numbers organise their world. We provide children with inspiring resources and opportunities to initiate activities that promote mathematical thinking and reasoning balanced by explicit teaching through a learner-directed approach that entails exploring maths in play.


Cultural activities lead the child to experience music, stories, artwork and items from the child’s community, society and cultural background. The areas of geography, science, zoology and botany are all included in this area. A range of globes, puzzle maps and folders containing pictures from different countries all help to give the child an insight into different cultures. The culture area encourages children to develop their capacity for creation and develop fine motor skills. Whilst learning to freely express themselves. Through cultural activities, children develop an awareness and appreciation of the world around them.


The indoor and outdoor spaces at Little Wonders Montessori have been designed to integrate nature into the daily learning routine. Natural settings with a cohesive design inspire curiosity and imagination engaging the child’s eagerness to explore multiple learning opportunities both collaboratively and individually. Our well-designed outdoor environment combines both natural and manufactured elements to create the perfect balance of natural and planned learning activities. Natural play areas provide constructive opportunities that encourage children to collaborate and cooperate as they think creatively and innovatively.

Our Promise

As many of us are parents ourselves, we realise and respect the level of trust you place in us when enrolling your child, and we’re committed to providing the highest quality care and education possible.

We promise to:

Invest in our educators

We believe that our hand-picked educators are our greatest asset. The specialised knowledge and experience they bring enables us to focus on your child’s growth, development and learning. We take pride in our team and their long-term commitment to our families and the service. We take the time to create meaningful relationships with you and your children.

Encourage open communication and feedback with complete transparency

We will keep families engaged and involved with their child’s time spent in our care by utilising Storypark.

Provide children with a safe, fun and stimulating environment

Our environment will support and nurture the individual needs of our children allowing them to explore their interests, grow at their own pace but challenging them to reach their potential as they awaken their love of learning.

Promote good health and wellbeing

We will ensure your growing child’s nutritional needs are met and any special dietary requirements are catered for and promote wellbeing through fostering a strong sense of community that values inclusion, tolerance and respect.

We promise to be an innovative provider offering the highest quality care. That’s our promise to you.

Our Team


Born and raised in Malaysia, migrating to Queensland was a great experience. I have worked both in the Family Day-care environment and centre-based environment past over 10 years. I love working with little minds, nurturing their growth and watching them blossom.

‍I have an undying love for fiction. My reading interests range from Sidney Sheldon to Nora Roberts to any author that can trap magic within the pages of their book. I enjoy inspiring little readers. There is nothing more satisfying than watching a child enjoy a story of their choice.

When I am not at work, I enjoy artwork and baking. My kids are my best critics, but they have nothing bad to say about my chocolate brownies ever!

Between downing hot chocolate and blending smoothies, I usually spend my time learning new skills and go on adventures with my family.

Centre Director


I moved from NSW to QLD three years ago and I am currently studying Bachelor of Primary Education (majoring in Special Education).

When I am not working or studying I like to spend my time outdoors, camping, gardening or swimming.

I also enjoy reading, cooking and investigating my family history. I have a passion for loud and fast cars! My favourite is the 1957 Chevy Bel Air.


I like to travel to different countries, I’ve been to 5 countries and looking forward to more travel adventure and explore new things.
During my spare time, I love to spend time cooking in the kitchen learning to cook different cuisines from other countries such as Filipino, Indian and Chinese food.


We are hiring! Please check Join our Team page for further details.


Book A Tour Little Wonders Montessori

Meet the centre director and see how Little Wonders Montessori aims to guide your child along their early learning journey and encourage school readiness.